Class 9th English Beehive Poetry Word Meanings
Unit 6 : My Childhood
1 | Erstwhile | former | भूतपूर्व | ex, late, quondam |
2 | Innate | inborn, (a quality or feeling) in one’s nature | जन्मजात | inbred, inherent |
3 | Generosity of spirit | his soul sought to help others who were needy | आत्मा की उदारता | iberal, munificent, princely |
4 | Undistinguished | ordinary or common | मामूली | average, commonplace |
5 | Austere | simple, strict and severe | सीधा-सादा | straightforward, unsophisticated |
6 | Secure | safe | सुरक्षित | keeping, unbroken |
7 | Tamarind seeds | kind of fruit | इमली के बीज | …………… |
8 | Princely sum | generous amount (here, ironic) | राजसी राशि | grand, Lavish, magnificent. |
9 | Anna | an old Indian coin, worth about six paise | एक प्रकार की मुद्रा | ………….. |
10 | Dinamani | a tamil daily newspaper. | एक तमिल अखबार | ………….. |
11 | Isolated | Lonely, cut-off | अलग | separate, distinct |
12 | Allied Forces | the armies of U.K., U.S.A. and Russia during the Second World War | संबद्ध बल | ………… |
13 | Casualty | loss | आपद | victim, fatality, mortality |
14 | Suspension | end | निलंबन | adjournment, interruption, delay |
15 | Halt | stop | विराम | pause, discontinuation, period |
16 | Filled the slot | fit into a place easily | एक जगह पर आसानी से फिट | ……………….. |
17 | Pride | sudden increase in the feeling of satisfaction derived from one’s own achievements. | गौरव | hubris, aplomb, vanity |
18 | Igures of authority | a person who has the power to give orders or make decisions. | प्राधिकरण के आंकड़े | commanding, imposing, masterful |
19 | Orthodox | strict | कट्टर | staunch, hard boiled, austere |
20 | Could not stomach | could not tolerate | बर्दाश्त नहीं कर सका | not accept, not endure. |
21 | Downcast | sad or depressed | उदास | gloomy, melancholy, sullen |
22 | Summoned | called | बुलवाना | convene, invite, bid |
23 | Bluntly | speaking in a direct and honest way, even if this offends or upsets people. | दो टूक | gruffly, flatly, blankly |
24 | Apologise | seek pardon | क्षमा मांगना | regret, excuse, atone |
25 | Quit | to leave | छोड़ना | miss, discard, renounce |
26 | Conviction | a strong opinion or belief | धारणा | notion, concept, comprehension |
27 | Convey | communicated | पहुंचाना | deliver, carry, cause |
28 | Optimism | hope, cheer | आशावाद | confidence, buoyancy |
29 | Segregation | separation | पृथक्करण | dissociation, segregation, severance |
30 | Longing | desire | लालसा | lust, impulsiveness, passion |
31 | Conservative | traditional | अनुदार | moderate, reactionary, timid |
32 | Rebel | in opposition | विद्रोही | insurgent, defiant, insurrectionary |
33 | Mingle | interact with each other. | संयुक्त होना | commingle, fuse, merge |
34 | On par | at the same level | उसी स्तर पर | equivalent, identical |
35 | Ritually pure | kept protected from all outside influences for the observances of religion | पूरी तरह से शुद्ध | decent, clean, apropos. |
36 | Perturbed | upset | व्याकुल | uneasy, addled, restless |
37 | Hesitation | doubt | संकोच | delay, puzzlement, bashfulness |
38 | Confronted | faced, tackled | सामना करना | encounter, front |
39 | Imminent | about to happen | आसन्न | adjacent, impending, proximate |
40 | Unprecedented | never done or know before. | अभूतपूर्व | unparalleled, unequalled, unmatched |
41 | Island | a piece of land | द्वीप | peninsula, reef, haven. |
42 | Formal | customary | औपचारिक | figurative, ceremonious, regular |
43 | Disadvantages | shortcomings | नुकसान | loss, harm, deficit |
44 | Ideal | model | आदर्श | fanciful, fictitious, dreamy |
45 | Helpmate | helper | सहायक | assistant, subsidiary, auxiliary |
46 | Recall | remember | याद | memorize, retrace, keep in mind |
47 | Ancestral | inherited from forefathers | पैतृक | paternal, heritable |
48 | Limestone | white powder stone | चूना पत्थर | chalkstone, chemical sedimentary rock. |
49 | Inessential | unnecessary | अनावश्यक | redundant, needless, Immaterial |
50 | Luxuries | items of excessive comfort | विलास-वस्तुएं | grandeur, splendour, magnificence |
51 | Materially | economically | वास्तव में | really, indeed, virtually |
52 | Broke out | started | शुरू | arise, begin, commence. |
53 | Erupted | came at once | फूटना | fulminate, rupture, dehisce |
54 | Provision shop | groceries shop | प्रावधान की दुकान | bodega, corner store, food mart. |
55 | Fetch | Bring | लाना | get, contribute, take |
56 | Attempt | try | प्रयास | strive, aim, venture |
57 | Trace | Search | पता लगाना | detection, ascertain, Investigate |
58 | Emegency | state of crisis | आपातकालीन | crisis, urgent situation, extremity |
59 | Characteristics | Qualities | विशेषताएँ | features, highlights |
60 | Specifics | particular | बारीकियों | details, facts, points. |
61 | Self-disciplane | self-resistant | आत्म अनुशासन | self-control, self-mastery, firmness |
62 | Upbringing | breeding | लालन - पालन | care, upkeep, cultivation |
63 | Catering | supply of provisions | खानपान प्रबन्ध | feed, serve, regale |
64 | Contractor | One who work on a contract | ठेकेदार | erector, fabricator, framer. |
65 | Prophet | messiah | पैगंबर | fortune teller, clairvoyant, prognosticator |
66 | Sacred Thread | holy yarn worn around the neck | पवित्र धागा | holy, revered, sanctified |
67 | Ranking | positions | पद | term, status, chair |
68 | Shifted | went | बदलना | change, commute, switch |
69 | Lasting | Parmanent | टिकाऊ | durable, lasting, endurable |
70 | Respective | own | अपने-अपने | personal, particular, individual |
71 | Ultimately | in the end | अंत में | eventually, finally |
72 | Varying | different | बदलना | commute, alter, shift |
73 | Refused | denied | मना कर दिया | decline, ignore, protest. |
74 | Seagull | a seabird | समुद्री गल | …………… |
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