Class 9th English Beehive Poetry Word Meanings
Unit 5 : The Snake and the Mirror
1 | Meagre | small in quantity. | अल्प | scant, little, diminutive |
2 | Possessed | had | प्राप्त | obtained, acquired, procured |
3 | Solitary | single | अकेला | alone, lonely, only |
4 | Gable | upper part of a wall below a sloping roof | गृहशिखर | ceiling, dome, shelter. |
5 | Taken time off | to take a day off, take a holiday | समय ले लो | unlax, soften |
6 | Bachelor | a man who is not and has never been married | अविवाहित | celibate, loner |
7 | Earth-shaking decision | something very important | धरती हिलने का निर्णय | consequential, historic, major |
8 | On top of it | to add on to something | उसके ऊपर | atop, high. |
9 | Paced | walked | रफ़्तार | stride, tread, march |
10 | Valid | logical, justifiable | वैध | recognized, accepted, estimable |
11 | Wriggled | crawled | छुटकारा | squirm, writhe, jiggle |
12 | Simultaneous | happened at the same time | समकालिक | contemporaneous, concomitant,coinciding |
13 | Slithered | Twisting and crawling motion of the snake | चुप हो गया | coast, cower, glide. |
14 | Hood | head of the snake. | कनटोप | protector, purdah, hooligan |
15 | Strike | attack | आक्रमण | rigid, scrupulous, severe. |
16 | Lurked | hid | दुबका हुआ | take cover, sneak, sidle |
17 | Feebly | weakly | निर्बलता से | effeminately, impotently, incapably |
18 | Vermilion spot | red bindi | सिंदूर का निशान | cardinal, crimson, flaming. |
19 | Closer quarters | to get a closer look | बंद कमरे | close, hard |
20 | Granite | form of a marble, it’s a stone. | ग्रेनाइट | limestone, sandstone, marble |
21 | Reedy person | a thing or person resembling a tall, thin – leaved plant of the grass family | रेड्डी व्यक्ति | ……………. |
22 | Smeared | covered with | ढका हुआ | denigrated, aspersed, smirched |
23 | Rascal | a mischievous or cheeky person, especially a child or a man, a naught person | दुष्ट | rogue, scoundrel, roguery |
24 | Taken with | attracted by | साथ लिया | enamored, infatuated. |
25 | Coil | wind | कएल | loop, twist, curl |
26 | Full-bonded | frightening | पूर्ण बंधुआ | alarming, dire, dread |
27 | Homeopath | a kind of doctor | समाचिकित्सक | pharmacopoeia, Acology |
28 | Attentively | with attention | ध्यान से | fixedly, searchingly, sharply |
29 | Meal | food | भोजन | diet, eating |
30 | Familiar | known | परिचित | acquainted, cognizant, intimate |
31 | Share | lived together | सहभागी होना | portion, part, division |
32 | Kerosene | paraffin oil | मिट्टी का तेल | naphtha, petroleum |
33 | Rented | hired | किराए पर | charter, lease, take |
34 | Earnings | income | कमाई | gross, receive, get |
35 | Facing | in front of | सामना | contraposition, deal with, envisagement |
36 | Yard | open space at the front of the back of the house | आंगन | barnyard, courtyard, garden |
37 | Beam | rafter | कड़ी | nexus, purlin, shackle |
38 | Close | near | समीप | nigh, nearby, adjoining |
39 | Tempted | inclined | प्रवृत्त | entice, persuade, convince |
40 | Adjusted | set | समायोजित | modify, alter, regulate |
41 | Moustache | hair on the upper lip | मूंछ | whiskers, tentacle |
42 | Up and down | from one side to another side | ऊपर और नीचे | uneven, vacillating, vertical. |
43 | Plenty | Much | बहुत सारे | many, affluence. |
44 | Silly | foolish | मूर्खतापूर्ण | idiotic, senseless, stupid |
45 | Resumed | took again | फिर शुरू से करना | restart, start again |
46 | Dull thud | heavy sound | मंद धमाका | plump, thump, vague. |
47 | Landed | came | उतारा हुआ | inflict, deal, deliver |
48 | Tremble | shiver | कंपना | quiver, twitch, palpitate |
49 | Merely | only | केवल | just, simply, solely |
50 | Image | statue | प्रतिबिंब | sculpture, bust, effigy |
51 | Drained of | without | निकासी | depleted, weary. |
52 | Leaden | made of lead | सीसे का | saturnine, plumbic, plumbeous |
53 | Molten | turned to liquid with fire | पिघला हुआ | fluid, melted, flowing |
54 | Crushing | pressing hard | पीसना | mill, pulverise, suppress |
55 | Rinse | wash | खूब धोना | clean, dip, drench |
56 | Appreciated | valued | सराहना की | respect, prize, cherish |
57 | Admiring | praising | प्रशंसा करना | extol, exalt, compliment |
58 | Unwound | uncoiled | खुला हुआ | unravel, untwine, untwist |
59 | Sprinter | racer | धावक | runner, jogger, walker |
60 | Leapt | jumped | जोर से उछले | cavort, bounce, plash |
61 | Willed | desired | इच्छाशक्ति | decree, order, command |
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