Short Biography of LADY GODIVA, LETICIA BUFONI, LIAM DAVIS, | 200 Words | in English

Biography of LADY GODIVA in Short


(990 AD-1067)

In Medieval England, the people of Coventry were suffering under heavy taxes. Their lord, Leofric, was forcing everyone to pay money towards growing the king’s army. As a result, they were poor and unhappy.

But Leofric’s wife, Godiva, cared for the people. She couldn’t bear that they survived miserably on bread and water, while she and her husband had everything they wanted. She pleaded with her husband to lower the taxes: She’d seen what had happened in Worcester when taxes had been too high: the people had murdered the tax collector and in retaliation the king had ordered their entire town destroyed.

Please, she asked again. Lower the taxes.

Never, he told her. You’d have to ride naked through the streets on a horse before I’d even consider it.

And that’s exactly what she did. On a snow-white horse, with only her long veils of golden hair to cover her body. Godiva galloped through the center of Coventry.

Out of respect for her, all of the townspeople remained inside with their windows and doors shut. When one man opened his window to sneak a look at Lady Godiva, he was struck blind.

Leofric was amazed. True to his word. he repealed the heavy taxes and had a religious experience, which led to the founding of a monastery.

Godiva’s generosity didn’t stop there After her husband died, she used the money she inherited to give gifts to various religious institutions, including the arm of St Augustine, a priceless relic that had come from Rome.

She has not been forgotten. Countless pieces of art, songs, and films have been made about Lady Godiva’s selfless journey through the streets of her town.

In the center of Coventry, looking down over the market square is the Godiva clock. Every hour, on the hour, the clock chimes, a door slides open, and a mechanical Lady Godiva trots out, naked on the back of a snow-white horse.

Biography of LETICIA BUFONI in Short


(BORN 1993)

At nine years old, Leticia was skateboarding in the graffiti-scrawled parks of São Paulo, Brazil The only other people riding alongside her were boys. Leticia’s dad didn’t approve.

Skateboarding is for boys, he told her. “You’re not skating any more. And to prove it, he broke her skateboard in half.

Leticia didn’t even think about listening. She built another board and went straight back out to ride the ramps the next day. Seeing her come back home, blood streaming from her knees, her father shook his head. It didn’t look like there was anything he could do to stop her.

So he traveled with Leticia to California to compete in the X Games, the biggest event in the world for extreme sports Watching her practice the same trick over and over, trying to perfect it, he could see how dedicated she was. He told her that if she got the trick right on her next try, she could stay in America to skate.

She got it, and so she stayed.

Every day, Leticia worked as hard as she could, mastering more and more difficult tricks on higher and higher ramps. She was sponsored by Nike and Red Bull and lots of other sports companies who were so impressed they wanted to help on her journey Aerials, grabs, grinds, and flips: Leticia wanted to master them all.

When she was twenty, Leticia became the first ever female athlete to win three gold medals in one X Games.

Back in Brazil, she’s recognized everywhere she goes and has even been given her own TV show. More than anything, Leticia’s thrilled that more girls will be inspired to pick up a skateboard.

Skateboarding’s being added to the Olympics in 2020. Leticia wants to bring home a gold medal to the father who once told her she could never skate again.

Biography of LIAM DAVIS in Short


(BORN 1986)

Liam had fallen in with a bad crowd. He was ten but hanging out with older boys, getting arrested, and heading nowhere fast. That was when the manager of Grimsby Town told him if he could keep out of trouble, then they’d sign him to the youth team. Liam did, and his football career began.

When he got older, Liam fell in love with a man. He never kept his relationship a secret, but he never shouted about it either.

He kept playing football semiprofessionally, training twice a week and working part time in a café. When he joined a new club, Grimsborough, he went for a night out with the team and ended up mentioning his boyfriend. The rest of the boys were supportive. They told him that they had his back if he needed them.

One day, the national newspapers heard about Liam. ‘Britain’s Only Openly Gay Footballer, read the headlines. It was a shock to him and his team that the fact he was gay received so much attention; they’d always known and never cared.

Liam got some abuse on the pitch, but what’s surprised him more than anything is the support he’s received for being who he is. He’d like more footballers to feel safe enough to come out as gay. He understands how terrifying it could be walking out in front of thousands of people, not knowing how they’re going to react to you, but he isn’t sure why people in smaller teams like his are scared.

Currently, out of around five hundred players in the premier league, none are openly gay. Liam thinks it’s likely that some of them are secretly gay but don’t feel they would be accepted if they were to speak up.

What does he want? ‘For someone else to think “I can do that. I’m brave and strong enough to do that”’.

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