The Tense English Grammar For Class 6

The Tense

A Verb is a word which indicates an action. Its form may point out the time of action. The word Tense means time. Time is expressed by using the appropriate form of a Verb in a sentence. Hence the Tense of a Verb shows the time of an action.
The Tense of a Verb shows the time of an action or event.
Read the following sentences: 
1. We like mangoes.
(Here, the verb ‘like’ refers to the Present Time.)
2. He wrote a letter yesterday.
(Here, the verb ‘wrote’ refers to the Past Time.) 
3. I shall help you.
(Here, the verb ‘shall help’ refers to the Future Time.) 
Thus, a verb may refer to the Present, Past or Future Time. 
1. A verb that refers to the Present Time, is said to be in the Present Tense, e.g. 
I read, I write, I play.
2. A verb that refers to the Past Time, is said to be in the Past Tense, eg.
I read, I wrote, I played. 
3. A verb that refers to the Future Time, is said to be in the Future Tense, e.g. 
I shall read, I shall write, I shall play.
There are three kinds of Tenses: 1. Present Tense, 2. Past Tense and 3. Future Tense.
1. Present Tense: It tells us that the action is done, continued or perfected in the present time.
1. I pray. (Simple Present Tense)
2. He prays. 
3. I am praying. (Present Continuous Tense)
4. He is praying.
5. I have prayed. (Present Perfect Tense)
6. He has prayed.
7. I have been praying. (Present Perfect Continuous Tense)
 8. He has been praying.

2. Past Tense: It tells us that the action was done, continued or perfected in the past time,
1. I prayed. (Simple Past Tense)
2. I was praying. (Past Continuous Tense)
3. I had prayed. (Past Perfect Tense)
4. I had been praying.  (Past Perfect Continuous Tense)

3. Future Tense: It tells us the action will be done, continued or perfected in the future time.
1. I shall pray. (Simple Future Tense)
2. He will pray.
3. I shall be praying. (Future Continuous Tense)
4. He will be praying.
5. I shall have prayed. (Future Perfect Tense)
6. He will have prayed.
7. I shall have been praying. (Future Perfect Continuous Tense)
8. He will have been praying.

Each Tense has four forms:
1. Simple/Indefinite 
2. Continuous
3. Perfect
4. Perfect Continuous

Study the following tables showing main Tenses: 



  1. 1. Simple Present Tense (Present Indefinite Tense) is used: 
    1. To express what is actually happening at the present moment.
    Examples: (a) Radha sings a song. 
    (b) The mother cooks the food.
    2. To express habitual actions (habits).
    Examples: (a) I get up early in the morning every day.
     (b) We exercise daily.
    3. To express a universal truth. 
    Examples: (a) The Earth moves around the Sun. 
    (b) Two and two make four.
    4. To express certain proverbs.
    Examples: (a) A rolling stone gathers no moss. 
    (b) Charity begins at home.

    2. Simple Past Tense (Past Indefinite Tense) is used: 
    To express an action that took place at some time in the past.
    Examples: (a) The bird flew in the sky.
    (b) She solved the sums.

    3. Simple Future Tense (Future Indefinite Tense) is used: 
    To express an action that will be completed at some point of time in the future.
    Examples: (a) I shall see her sister tomorrow. 
    (b) She will cook a nice dinner for the party.

    Exercise 1
    Fill in the blanks with Simple Present Tense form of Verbs given in brackets:
    1. He …………… (play) hockey in the school.
    2. You ……………. (write) a letter to your friend. 
    3. He ……………. (speak) English fluently.
    4. They do not ……… (beat) the dog with a stick.
    5. She …………. (look) after her child.
    6. The Earth ………….. (move) around the Sun.
    7. We ………. (respect) our elders.
    8. Water……… (freeze) in winter.
    9. The peon…….. (ring) the bell.
    10. The teacher ……………. (teach) us.

    Exercise 2
    Fill in the blanks with Simple Past Tense form of Verbs given in brackets:
     1. I……………. (go) to see a movie yesterday at Liberty.
    2. Columbus ………….. (discover) America. 
    3. They……….. (meet) him yesterday evening.
    4. Last night a thief…………….. (break) into my house.
    5. She………….. (give) me your message. 
    6. I……………. (lose) my pen yesterday.
    7. It ……………….. (rain) heavily last Sunday.
    8. You…………… (pass) your matriculation examination in 2017. 
    9. I…………… (sell) my new house last year. 
    10. They ………….. (learn) their lesson.

    Exercise 3
    Fill in the blanks with Simple Future Tense form of Verbs given in brackets:
    1. I……………. (see) you on Sunday.
    2. The hunters……………. (shoot) the lions. 
    3. I ………….. (leave) for Jaipur on Monday.
    4. The blind man ………………….. (cross) the busy road.
    5. He ………………. (pass) the examination this year. 
    6. They ………….. (reach) here on Thursday.
    7. We ………………. (go) to see the exhibition. 
    8. The American President ………… (visit) India next year.
    9. She ………………. (take part) in dance competition.
    10. India ………………….  (win) the third cricket test match against Sri Lanka.

    Exercise 4 
    Rewrite the following sentences after changing the Verbs into Simple Past Tense:
    1. All the students pay their fees. 
    2. Rohan comes here to see you.
    3. We sing a song on the stage.
    4. She remains present at the function.
    5. You like this film very much.
    6. The hunter kills a tiger in the forest.
    7. We learn our English lesson.
    8. They wait for the train to Jamshedpur.
    9. The policeman catches the culprits. 
    10. The captain of the hockey team strikes a goal.

    Exercise 5
    Change Verbs into Simple Future Tense and rewrite the following sentences: 
    1. We go to his house.
    2. Mr. Gupta teaches us English.
    3. The class began at 9.30 a.m.
    4. The teachers thanked the parents of the students. 
    5. I slept for more than two hours.
    6. They played badminton in the ground.
    7. The driver drives the car at full speed.
    8. I sold my house.
    9. He comes to see you on Monday.
    10. I learnt my lesson.

    Study the following tables showing the main Tenses:



1. Present Continuous Tense is used to express an action going on at the time of speaking.
Examples: 1. I am learning my lesson.
2. She is watching TV programmes. 
3. The boys are making a noise.

2. Past Continuous Tense is used to indicate an action that began and was going on at some definite time in the past. 
Examples: 1. I was reading a story-book when he came to my house.
2. You were waiting for your friends. 
3. They were flying kites in the evening.

3. Future Continuous Tense is used to express an action that will be going at some point of time in the future.
Examples: 1. We shall be attending the marriage.
2. You will be singing a song on the stage.
3. My mother will be preparing sweet dishes tomorrow.

Exercise 6
Fill in the blanks with the Present Continuous Tense form of Verbs given in brackets:
1. She …………… (write) a letter. 
2. Your mother …………… (cook) food.
3. They …………… (learn) their lesson.
4. The teacher …………… (teach) us a lesson.
5. Your brother …………… (sing) a song.
6. She……………. (knit) a sweater.
7. The officer …………… (look) into the matter.
8. Your friend …………… (help) you.

Exercise 7
Fill in the blanks with Past Continuous Tense form of Verbs given in brackets
1. She ……… (draw) water from the well.
2. You ……….. (do) your home task. 
3. Our school team………….. (play) a friendly match.
4. We…………. (play) cricket yesterday.
5. Mohan……… (sleep) at that time.
 6. I…………… (read) a story-book.

Exercise 8
Fill in the blanks with Future Continuous Tense form of Verbs given brackets:
1. They ……………. (return) from school tomorrow.
2. We ………………  (take) tea.
3. The mason ………… (build) a wall.
4. She …………………. (tell) a story to us.
5. Mother ………….. (clean) the floor tomorrow.

Exercise 9
Change the following sentences into Past Continuous Tense:
1. The girls sang songs.
2. He tells a lie.
3. My sister ironed clothes.
4. She returns from the school.
5. I go to the bus-stand.

Exercise 10
Change the following sentences into Present Continuous Tense:
1. He leaves for Chandigarh today.
2. The old woman walks slowly.
3. They waste their time.
4. A bird sings on that tree.
5. We take tea.

Study the following tables showing the main Tenses:


  1. Present Perfect Tense expresses the action which has just been completed.

Examples: 1. I have just finished my work.

  1. The boys have learnt their lesson.
  1. Past Perfect Tense is used to indicate an action in the past which had been completed before another action was started. 

Examples: 1. The patient had died before the doctor arrived.

  1. I had reached the station before the train came.
  2. Raman had already done his work when I reached to see him.
  1. Future Perfect Tense is used to indicate that an action which would be completed at some point of time in future.

Examples: 1. We shall have finished the painting by 8 p.m. 

  1. He will have written a letter till 4 p.m. 
  2. Arun will have finished the work before the end of the week.

Exercise 11

Fill in the blanks with the Present Perfect form of Verbs given in brackets: 

  1. The peon ……………. (post) the letters in time.
  2. All the students ……………. (pay) their fees.
  3. My friend ……………. (help) me solve the sums
  4. Anita ……………. (lose) the key of her room.
  5. She …………….  (forget) to bring the money.

Exercise 12

Fill in the blanks with the Past Perfect Tense form of Verbs given in brackets: 

  1. The police ………………. (arrest) him before the end of last month.
  2. The train …………… (arrive) at the station when I reached there.
  3. When I reached the school, the bell ………………. (ring).
  4. The shopkeepers ……………….. (close) their shops before the inspector came.
  5. We given in ……………………. (complete) the work when the teacher came.

Exercise 13

Fill in the blanks with the Future Perfect Tense form of Verbs brackets:

  1. The peon …………….. (post) all the letters by 2 p.m.
  2. She ………………. (do) her work before I reach. 
  3. I ……………………. (visit) all the hill stations of India before I am fifty.
  4. I hope it ………………. (stop) raining by evening.
  5. He …………………  (lose) everything when you reach there.

Exercise 14

Change the following sentences into Past Perfect Tense (making necessary changes):

  1. She has already written a letter.
  2. I have read the Ramayana. 
  3. My brother has lived here for four years.
  4. The thief has run away with the stolen car.
  5. They have already sold their house.

Exercise 15

Change the following sentences into Future Perfect Tense (making necessary changes):

  1. I have written many letters today. 
  2. You had given him a book yesterday.
  3. We have bought the medicines from the chemist.
  4. My mother has knitted a pullover.
  5. They had bought a new car yesterday.

Study the following tables showing the main Tenses:




  1. 1. Present Perfect Continuous Tense is used to indicate an action which began at some time in the past and has not yet been completed and it is still going on.
    Examples: 1. Sarla has been singing.
    2. They have been taking the test.
    3. Her father has been writing a speech.

    When we give an idea of time, we use the words since or for to do so 
    1. I have been saying my prayer since morning.
    2. You have been singing a song for ten minutes. 
    Since is used when point of time is given, e.g. morning, evening, Monday, July, 1960, 25th August, etc.
    For is used when ‘period of time is given, e.g. ten years, five minutes, two days, four days, nine months, many years, a long time, etc.

    2. Past Perfect Continuous Tense is used to express an action which began at a certain point of time in the past and also continued for a certain period minutes, two of time in the past.
    Examples: 1. The teacher had been teaching the class since 9,00 a.m. 
    2. She had been studying in this school for the last one year 
    3. Mala had been doing this work for the last four days.

    3. Future Perfect Continuous Tense indicates an action that will be in progress for some time in future.
    Examples: 1. The musicians will have been singing songs for an hour. 
    2. The students will have been studying English up to Monday.

    Exercise 16
    Fill in the blanks with the Present Perfect Continuous Tense by changing the form of Verbs given in brackets: 
    1. I ………………. (teach) in this school for ten years.
    2. The players ………………….. (run) since morning.
    3. India ………… (progress) by leaps and bounds since Independence.
    4. You ……………………  (go) to this school since 1960.
    5. The farmer ……………..  (plough) the field.

    Exercise 17
    Fill in the blanks with Past Perfect Continuous Tense by changing the form of Verbs given in brackets:
    1. The gardener …………………. (mow) my lawn for two hours.
    2. The children ……………… (fly) kites since 2 p.m.
    3. They …………….. (mark) answer books for three days.
    4. Mohan ……………… (give) a speech to the students for an hour.
    5. The police …………….. (keep) a watch over his movements since 10th November, 2016.

    Exercise 18.
    Fill in the blanks with Future Perfect Continuous Tense by changing the form of Verbs given in brackets:
    1. At this time next year, she …………….. (get) married.
    2. She………………. (sing) continuously for two hours.
    3. When you arrive, they …………. (pick) fruits for half an hour.
    4. Tomorrow at this time, I ……………….  (fly) to London for two hours.
    5. In 2018, he ………………….. (run) his own shop for ten years.

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