NCERT Solutions Class 8 Hindi
NCERT Solutions Class 8 are given for the students so that they can get to know the answers to the questions in case they are not able to find it. Here, at EDUGROSS, we are providing the solutions to all the chapters of the NCERT Hindi Class 8 Textbook for the students. They can refer to these solutions while they are solving the questions from the textbook.
NCERT Solutions Class 8 Hindi Durva and Vasant is a unique study material to grasp the knowledge with 100% accuracy. All the solutions provided here, at EDUGROSS, are according to your NCERT Textbooks. We have provided all the Class 8 Durva NCERT Solutions and Class 8 Vasant Solutions with a comprehensive explanation i.e. we have solved all the questions with step-by-step Solutions in easily understandable language. Hindi demands a regular practice of spellings to get a clutch on this subject. The Solutions that have been provided here are based on the latest CBSE Syllabus for Class 8 and consist of an in-depth focus on the inherent topics.
NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Hindi are important for the students as, through these, they can get answers to those questions on which they get stuck. Students can check these solutions whenever they face any trouble in the questions. With the help of NCERT Solutions, students can practice the different types of questions given in the book, which can be asked in the final exams.
These solutions help them to build a very strong foundation for their higher studies. NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Hindi improves the reasoning and logical skills of the students. EDUGROSS provides you these solutions in softcopy which you can easily get by just clicking on the links download pdf for free.
NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Hindi Vasant
NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Hindi Vasant are given below for all chapters. Class 8 Hindi Vasant includes 18 chapters, select the chapter number to view the Chapter-wise solutions. Download pdf for free from the link provided below on this page.
A list of chapters provided in Class 8 Hindi Vasant NCERT Solutions free pdf.
Download PDF For Free | Click On The Links Given Below
NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Hindi Durva
NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Hindi Durva are given below for all chapters. Hindi Durva includes 19 chapters, select the chapter number to view the Chapter-wise solutions. Download pdf for free from the link provided below on this page.
A list of chapters provided in Class 8 Hindi Durva NCERT Solutions free pdf.
- Chapter 1 गुडिया
- Chapter 2 दो गोरैया
- Chapter 3 चिट्ठियों मैं यूरोप
- Chapter 4 ओस
- Chapter 5 नाटक मैं नाटक
- Chapter 6 सागार यात्रा
- Chapter 7 उठ किसान ओ
- Chapter 8 सस्ते का चक्कर
- Chapter 9 एक खिलाड़ी की कुछ यादें
- Chapter 10 बस की सैर
- Chapter 11 हिंदी ने जनकी जंदगी बदल दी
- Chapter 12 आषाढ़ का पहला दिन
- Chapter 13 अन्याय के खलाफ
- Chapter 14 बच्चोंके प्रिय श्री के शव शंकर पिल्लई
- Chapter 15 फर्श पर
- Chapter 16 बड़ी अम्मा की बात
- Chapter 17 वह सुबह कभी तो आएगी
- Chapter 18 आओ पित्रका निकाले
- Chapter 19 आहवान
CBSE Class 8 Hindi Bharat Ki Khoj
A list of chapters provided in Class 8 Hindi Bharat Ki Khoj NCERT Solutions free pdf.
- Chapter 1 अहमदनगर का किला
- Chapter 2 तलाश
- Chapter 3 सिंधु घाटी सभ्यता
- Chapter 4 युगों का दौर
- Chapter 5 नयी समस्याएँ
- Chapter 6 अंतिम दौर -एक
- Chapter 7 अंतिम दौर -दो
- Chapter 8 तनाव
- Chapter 9 दो पृष्ठभूमिया – भारतीय और अंग्रेज़ी
NCERT Class 8 Hindi Grammar
Hindi Grammar is the most important part to learn the Hindi Language fluently. So, every student should have proper Hindi Grammar skills to express their views, feelings and to understand others’ thoughts correspondence. However, Grammar is also necessary to write and speak any language properly. So, improving your Hindi Grammar skills right from your schooling is a must. To make it possible, all you require is the best resource for mastering in Hindi Grammar.
Loads of resources are available out there in the market but it is tough to find out the best books for learning Hindi Grammar. To help you out, we have compiled some of the best books for Hindi Grammar suggested by subject experts. Use our chapter-wise list of Hindi Grammar Pdf links for Class 8 Hindi Grammar and prepare accordingly to improve your Hindi Grammar Skills and master in the Hindi Language.
A list of topics provided in Class 8 Grammar NCERT Solutions free pdf.
- भाषा, बोली, लिपि और व्याकरण
- वर्ण विचार
- शब्द विचार
- संज्ञा
- लिंग
- वचन
- कारक
- सर्वनाम
- विशेषण
- क्रिया
- काल
- अविकारी शब्द–अव्यय
- संधि
- समास
- पद परिचय
- वाक्य
- वाक्य संबंधी अशुधियाँ
- अलंकार
- मुहावरे और लोकोक्तियाँ
- शब्द–भंडार
Class 8 Hindi Letter Writing
- अनुच्छेद–लेखन
- पत्र लेखन
- निबंध–लेखन
Class 8 Hindi Unseen Passages
- अपठित गद्यांश
- अपठित पद्यांश
Advantages of Class 8 Hindi NCERT Solutions
- NCERT Solutions provide a step-by-step explanation to every question given in the textbooks. It is one of the most valuable aids to students in their home assignments and exams as well.
- Solving these NCERT Solutions will help students clearing all their doubts.
- These NCERT Solutions are prepared as per the syllabus of the respective subject and thus, provide proper guidance with a thorough learning process.
- NCERT Solutions help in clearing the tough concepts as these NCERT Solutions are designed using proper explanations.
- To score optimum marks in the examination, the students need to practice these NCERT Solutions as it contains a variety of questions for practice purpose. This will help students to have an easy hand at the Erroneous Questions as well.
- While studying in CBSE Board Schools, students always get confused while choosing the right study material. Therefore, the best option is NCERT Solutions as it covers the whole CBSE Syllabus for Class 8 Hindi.
- NCERT Solutions give significant learning and also helps students to upgrade their skills.
Why prefer EDUGROSS for Class 8 Hindi NCERT Solutions?
A lot of times students get stuck to a particular question. These solutions that we are providing here, at EDUGROSS, develop an interest in the students towards their studies. These solutions are designed by a group of experts so that every student can understand the concept in a simple way without further complications. Here, we provide you with the most reliable solutions.
Hindi is one of those subjects which students find hard but here, at EDUGROSS, we provide you with the most accurate and easiest methods to solve various questions. Moreover, these solutions help students to develop their reasoning and logical skills. All study material here is completely based on the latest pattern and syllabus that is prescribed by the CBSE Board. All the basics of Class 8 Hindi with exercises and solutions are thoroughly covered in the study material that is provided at EDUGROSS.
Download Class 8 Hindi NCERT Solutions pdf for free from this page and make your practicing easier and enjoyable.