NCERT Solutions Class 11 Statistics

NCERT Solutions for Class 11 Statistics have been carefully designed by our team of trainers to provide students with the perfect way to solve the questions in the examinations. In order to collaborate, we are here to provide you with the most considerable and well-established NCERT Solutions for Class 11.

NCERT Solutions for Class 11 Statistics are effortless to understand and help you to recognize all the fundamental concepts in a better way. At EDUGROSS, students are provided chapter-wise and exercise-based solutions from all the topics in the NCERT Statistics Book. Here, we have provided you with the most accurate NCERT Solutions for Statistics so if you have trouble in understanding a topic related to Statistics, you can verify the answer to the question given in the solutions.

A statistic is a number that represents a property of the sample. For example, if we consider one Math class to be a sample of the population of all Math classes then the average number of points earned by students in that one Math class at the end of the term is an example of a statistic. NCERT Solutions for Statistics are structured in a trouble-free manner to help the students to score higher in Board Exams as well as Competitive Exams.

With the help of NCERT Solutions, students can practice the different types of questions given in the book which can be asked in the examinations. These solutions are scripted in such a way that the students will be engaged in learning with higher efficiency when they will thoroughly go through these solutions. NCERT Solutions for Class 11 Statistics improve the reasoning and logical skills of the students. EDUGROSS provides you these solutions in softcopy which you can easily get by just clicking on the links download pdf for free.

A list of chapters provided in Class 11 Statistics NCERT Solutions free pdf

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Chapter 1 Introduction 
Chapter 2 Collection of Data 
Chapter 3 Organisation of Data 
Chapter 4 Presentation of Data 
Chapter 5 Measures of Central Tendency 
Chapter 6 Measures of Dispersion 
Chapter 7 Correlation 
Chapter 8 Index Numbers
1) NCERT Solutions Class 11 Statistics Chapter 1 Introduction

In this chapter students will learn the introduction of statistics. NCERT Solutions for Chapter 1 Introduction is provided here at Edugross for students to learn better for exams. Students can download free pdf of this chapter easily. The following topics from this chapter are given below: –

  • Why Economics
  • Statistics in Economics
  • What Is Statistics
  • What Statistics Does
  • Conclusion

Some important notes from the chapter ‘Introduction’ are given below: –

  • Economics by Alfred Marshall- “The study of man in the ordinary business of life”.
  • A consumer is the one who consumes goods and services for the satisfaction of his wants.
  • Consumption is said to be the process of using up utility value of goods and services for the direct satisfaction of our wants.
  • A producer is the person who produces/or sells goods and services for the generation of income.
  • Production is known as the process of converting raw material into useful thing.
  • Investment is the expenditure by the producers on the purchase of such assets which help to generate income.
  • Economic Activity is an activity which is related to the use of scarce means. Means are always scarce in relation to our needs.
  • Economic Problem is the problem of choice arising on account of the facts that resources are scarce and these have alternative uses.

Chapter 1 Introduction

2) NCERT Solutions Class 11 Statistics Chapter 2 Collection of Data

Data collection is the process of gathering and measuring data, information or any variables of interest in a standardized and established manner. NCERT Solutions Class 11 Statistics Chapter 2 Collection of Data download free pdf. These solutions are provided here for students to learn better and for the help of the students in problem solving. The list of topics from this chapter is given below: –

  • Introduction
  • What Are The Sources of Data?
  • How Do We Collect the Data?
  • Census and Sample Surveys
  • Sampling and Non-Sampling errors
  • Census of India and Nsso
  • Conclusion

Some important notes from the chapter ‘Collection of Data’ are given below: –

  • Census ‘Method is that method in which data are collected covering every item of the universe or population relating to the problem under investigation.
  • Direct Personal Investigation is the method by which data are personally collected by the investigator from the information. 
  • Indirect Oral Investigation is the method by which information is obtained not from the persons regarding whom the information is needed. It is collected orally from other persons who are expected to possess the necessary information.

Chapter 2 Collection of Data

3) NCERT Solutions Class 11 Statistics Chapter 3 Organisation of Data

Organization of data refers to the systematic arrangement of collected figures (raw data), so that the data becomes easy to understand and more convenient for further statistical treatment. NCERT Solutions Class 11 Organisation of Data download free pdf. These solutions are structured here for students to score higher in exam. A list of topics is provided below: –

  • Introduction
  • Raw Data
  • Classification of Data
  • Variables: Continuous and discrete
  • What Is A Frequency Distribution?
  • Bivariate Frequency Distribution
  • Conclusion

Some important notes from the chapter ‘Organisation of Data’ are given below: –

  • Classification is the process of arranging things in groups or classes according to their resemblances and affinities and gives expression to the unity of attributes that may exist amongst a diversity of individuals.
  • Exclusive Series is that series in which every class-interval excludes items corresponding to its upper limit.
  • Inclusive Series An inclusive series which includes all items up to its upper limit.

Chapter 3 Organisation of Data

4) NCERT Solutions Class 11 Statistics Chapter 4 Presentation of Data

Presentation of data refers to an exhibition or putting up data in an attractive and useful manner such that it can be easily interpreted. The three main forms of presentation of data are: Textual presentation. Data tables. NCERT Solutions Class 11 Statistics Chapter 4 Presentation of Data is provided here in the simplest and understanding pattern for students for getting more efficiency. Students can easily download pdf for free. A list of topics from this chapter is given below: –

  • Introduction
  • Textual Presentation of Data
  • Tabular Presentation of Data
  • Tabulation of Data And Parts of a Table
  • Diagrammatic Presentation of data
  • Conclusion

Some important notes from the chapter ‘Presentation of Data’ are given below: –

  • In textual presentation, data are a part of the text of study or a part of the description of the subject matter of study.
  • “Tabulation involves the orderly and systematic presentation of numerical data in a form designed to elucidate the problem under consideration.”
  • Following are the principal components of a table –
  1. Table number
  2. Title
  3. Head note
  4. Stubs
  5. Caption
  6. Body or field
  7. Footnotes
  8. Source

Chapter 4 Presentation of Data

5) NCERT Solutions Class 11 Statistics Chapter 5 Measures of Central Tendency

The most common measures of central tendency are the arithmetic mean, the median, and the mode. . Downloadable NCERT Solutions for Class 11 Statistics Chapter 5 Measures of Central Tendency free pdf is provided here at Edugross for students to learn better for exams. Students will learn the following topics from this chapter: –

  • Introduction
  • Arithmetic Mean
  • Median
  • Mode
  • Relative Position of Arithmetic mean, Median and Mode
  • Conclusion

Some important points from the chapter ‘Measures of Central Tendency’ are given below: –

  • A central tendency refers to a central value or a representative value of a statistical series.
  • According to Clark, “An average is a figure that represents the whole group”.
  • Arithmetic Mean is the number which is obtained by adding the values of all the items of a series and dividing the total by the number of items.
  • Arithmetic Mean is generally written as X. It may be expressed in the form of following formula:  X = (x1 + x2 + x3 +………. xn )/N
  • According to the direct method, we find the Arithmetic mean from the following formula:  X = Total value of the item / Number of items 
  • mid-value = m = ( L1+L2 )/2
    L= lower limit of the class
    L2 = upper limit of the class
  • “The Median is that value of the variable which divides the group into two equal parts, one part comprising all values greater than the Median value and the other part comprising all the values smaller than the Median value”.
  • When N of the series is an even number, Median is estimated using the following formula:  M = [size of (N/2)th item + size of (N/2 +1)th item] / 2
  • Frequency Distribution Series The exact value of Mode can be calculated with the following formula:  Z = L1 + (f1 – f0 )xi / (2f1 – f0 – f2 )

Chapter 5 Measures of Central Tendency

6) NCERT Solutions Class 11 Statistics Chapter 6 Measures of Dispersion

Standard deviation (SD) is the most commonly used measure of dispersion. It is a measure of spread of data about the mean. NCERT Solutions Class 11 Statistics Chapter 6 Measures of Dispersion is provided here for students to learn better and for the help of the students in problem solving. Students can easily download free pdf of NCERT Solutions Class 11 Statistics Chapter 6 Measures of Dispersion. The list of topics from this chapter is given below: –

  • Introduction
  • Measures Based upon Spread of Values
  • Measures Of Dispersion From Average
  • Absolute and Relative Measures of Dispersion
  • Lorenz Curve
  • Conclusion

Some important points from the chapter ‘Measures of Dispersion’ are given below: –

  • Different methods of measuring dispersion are
  1. Range
  2. Quartile deviation
  3. Mean deviation
  4. Standard deviation
  • Standard deviation is the square root of the arithmetic mean of the squares of deviations of the items from their mean values.
  • Coefficient of range = H−L/H+L or L−S/L+S
  • Difference between third quartile ( Q3) and first quartile of a series is called Inter quartile range.
    IQR = Q3 – Q1

Chapter 6 Measures of Dispersion

7) NCERT Solutions Class 11 Statistics Chapter 7 Correlation

When two sets of data are strongly linked together we say they have a High Correlation. The word Correlation is made of Co and Relation, which means together. Download free pdf of NCERT Solutions Class 11 Statistics Chapter 7 Correlation. These solutions are structured here for students to score higher in exam. A list of topics from this chapter is provided below: –

  • Introduction
  • Types of Relationship
  • Techniques for Measuring correlation
  • Conclusion

Some important points from the chapter ‘Correlation’ are given below: –

  • It is a statistical method or a statistical technique that measures quantitative relationship between different variables, like between price and demand.
  • Correlation is classified into positive and negative correlation. The correlation is said to be positive when the variables move together in the same direction. e.g. sale of lce cream and temperature move in same direction.
    The correlation is said to be negative when the variables move in opposite direction. e.g. When you spend more time in studying chances of your failure decline.
  • According to Croxton and Cowden, “When the relationship is of a quantitative nature, the appropriate statistical tool for discovering and measuring the relationship and expressing it in a brief formula is known as correlation.”
  • Methods of estimating correlation:
    (a) Scatter diagram
    (b) Karl person’s coefficient of correlation.
    (c) Spearman’s rank correlation.

Chapter 7 Correlation

8) NCERT Solutions Class 11 Statistics Chapter 8 Index Numbers

An index number is the measure of change in a variable over time. Index numbers are one of the most used statistical tools in economics. Here students will deeply learn about the index numbers which will help them in their exams as well as future studies. Students can easily download free pdf of Statistics Chapter 8 Index Numbers. The list of the topics is given below: –

  • Introduction
  • What is an index number
  • Construction of an index number
  • Some Important Index Numbers
  • Issues in the construction of an index number
  • Index number in economics
  • Conclusion

Some important points from the chapter ‘Index Number’ are given below: –

  • Laspeyre’s Method (L) P01 = ( ∑P1q0 )100 / ∑P0q0
  • Paasche’s Method (P) P01 = (∑P1q1)100 / ∑P0 q1
  • Fisher’s Method P01 =( L + P)/2
  • Types of Index numbers:
    (i) Wholesale price index (WPI)
    (ii) Consumer price index (CPI) or Cost of living index
    (iii) Index of industrial production (IIP)
    (iv) Index of Agricultural production (IAP)
    (v) Sensex

Chapter 8 Index Numbers

9) NCERT Solutions Class 11 Statistics Chapter 9 Use of Statistical Tools

Two main statistical methods are used in data analysis and descriptive statistics. In this chapter learner will learn the uses of tools which is used in statistical tools. For more and better studies, you can download free pdf of NCERT Solutions of Class 11 Statistics Chapter 9 Uses of Statistical Tools. A list of topics from this chapter is provided below: –

  • Introduction
  • Suggested List of Projects
  • Sample Project
  • Conclusion

Some important topics from the chapter ‘Use of Statistical Tools’ are given below: –

  • The five statistical methods in developing a project are-
  1. Collection of data
  2. Classification data
  3. Presentation of data
  4. Analysis of data
  5. Interpretation of data
  • The steps applied to prepare a project report on consumer awareness are-
  1. Designing a questionnaire
  2. Framing a sample
  3. Collection of data
  4. Classification of data
  5. Presentation of data
  6. Analysis of data
  7. Interpretation of data
  • The item included in the demographic structure are.
  1. Name of the head of the family
  2. Address
  3. Telephone number
  4. Details of a family member
  • Demographics is said to be the study of the characteristics of the human population such as growth, size, distribution, density, and vital statistics.
  • Demographic structure represents a fundamental approach to the understanding of human society.

Advantages of Solving Class 11 Statistics NCERT Solutions

  • NCERT Solutions provide a step-by-step explanation to every question given in the textbooks. It is one of the most valuable aids to students in their home assignments and exams as well. 
  • Solving these NCERT Solutions will help students clearing all their doubts.
  • These NCERT Solutions are prepared as per the syllabus of the respective subject and thus, provide proper guidance with a thorough learning process.
  • NCERT Solutions help in clearing the tough concepts as these NCERT Solutions are designed using proper explanations.
  • To score optimum marks in the examination, the students need to practice these NCERT Solutions as it contains a variety of questions for practice purpose. This will help students to have an easy hand at the Erroneous Questions as well.
  • While studying in CBSE Board Schools, students always get confused while choosing the right study material. Therefore, the best option is NCERT Solutions as it covers the whole CBSE Syllabus for Class 11 Statistics.
  • NCERT Solutions give significant learning and also helps students to upgrade their skills.

Why prefer EDUGROSS for Class 11 Statistics NCERT Solutions?

A lot of times students get stuck to a particular question. These solutions that we are providing here, at EDUGROSS, develop an interest in the students towards their studies. These solutions are designed by a group of experts so that every student can understand the concept in a simple way without further complications. Here, we provide you with the most reliable solutions.

Here, at EDUGROSS, we provide you with the most accurate and easiest methods to solve various questions. Moreover, these solutions help students to develop their reasoning and logical skills. All study material here is completely based on the latest pattern and syllabus that is prescribed by the CBSE Board. All the basics of Class 11 Statistics with exercises and solutions are thoroughly covered in the study material that is provided at EDUGROSS.

Download Class 11 Statistics NCERT Solutions PDF For Free from this page and make your practicing easier and enjoyable.

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