Class 9th English Beehive Poetry Word Meanings
Unit 9 : The Bond of Love
1 | Panting | taking short, quick breaths | हाँपना | throttle, choke, stifle |
2 | Wantonly | for no good reason | मनमौजीपन से | publicly, simply, willingly. |
3 | Prostrate | lying on the ground facing downwards | पांव पर गिरा हुआ | sprawling, horizontal, recumbent |
4 | Scooted | ran away | भागना | shirk, dash, skedaddle |
5 | Scruff of the neck | take hold of the back of the neck or collar suddenly and roughly | गर्दन का फड़कना | isthmus, Nape, strait. |
6 | Christened it | named it | क्राइस्ट किया | asperse, bless, denominate |
7 | Condiments | spices | मसालों | gravy, salt, sauce. |
8 | Relish | great enjoyment | मजा | condiment, accompaniment, sauce |
9 | Floundering | struggling to move | लड़खड़ाना | stumble, wallow, flummox. |
10 | Heaving | taking deep breaths | साँस लेना | inhale, heave, respire |
11 | Gaping | wide open | भारी | cavernous, yawning, wide |
12 | preserved | maintained | संरक्षित | conserve, protect, safeguard |
13 | Squeals | screams | चीख | shriek, roar, bellow |
14 | Antidote | a medicine taken or given to counteract a particular poison | विषहर औषध | antitoxin, antiserum, cure |
15 | Stertorous | noisy | घरघराहट | asthmatic, blown, choking. |
16 | Disdainfully | disapprovingly | तिरस्कार | obnoxiously, fulsomely, hatefully |
17 | The sump | the base of an internal combustion engine, which serves as a reservoir of oil for the lubrication system | गांठ | cesspool, septic system, sewer. |
18 | Studebaker | an old American car | एक पुरानी अमेरिकी कार | …………… |
19 | Concealed | hidden | गुप्त | lurking, cryptic, hidden, under the rose |
20 | Fretting | not relaxed | क्षोभक | worried, unhappy |
21 | Curator | here, a person in charge of the zoo | संग्रहाध्यक्ष | guard, saver, Defensive |
22 | Restrain | stop | रोकना | clog, inhibit, prevent |
23 | Conjectured | formed an opinion by guessing | अनुमान लगाया | speculate, surmise, infer |
24 | Hoisted | raised by means of ropes or pulleys | फहराया | pull up, upraise, uplift |
25 | Accomplished | completed | पूरा किया | versed, perfect, Efficient |
26 | Squad | team | समूह | group, cluster, set |
27 | Gnarled | rugged | ऐंठा हुआ | twisted, skittish, unyielding |
28 | Bond | something that unites | बंधन | restriction, truss, nexus |
29 | Companions | friends | साथी | partner, escort, consort |
30 | Promptly | on the spot | तत्काल | immediately, Instantly, At once |
31 | Grab | catch | पकड़ लेना | Capture, arrest, get at |
32 | Scratch | make bruises with claws | खरोंच | scuff, scrape, graze |
33 | Gunny bags | jute sacks | गुनी थैलियाँ | sacking, wrapping. |
34 | Delighted | happy | प्रसन्न | glad, rapt, absorbed |
35 | Porridge | porridge | दलिया | gruel, daliya, burgoo |
36 | Ingredients | parts of some mixture preparation | सामग्री | fixing, innards, integral. |
37 | Pork | meat of pig | सुअर का मांस | rasher, sowbelly. |
38 | Aerated water | soda water | सोडा वाटर | seltzer, gazogene |
39 | Alcoholic liquor | contains alcohol | मादक शराब | aqua vitae, booze, hard liquor |
40 | Attached | intimate | जुड़ा हुआ | fitted, included, combined |
41 | Tenants | lodgers | किरायेदारों | renter, roomer. |
42 | Befell | happened to | घटित होना | wend, pass, drawl |
43 | Paralysis | loss of power to move | पक्षाघात | bias, favoritism, partiality |
44 | Feverish | excited | बेताब | impatient, restless, uneasy |
45 | Symptoms | signs | लक्षण | manifestation, indication, mark |
46 | Treatment | cure | इलाज | medication, remedy, healing |
47 | Syringe | device for giving injections | सिरिंज | needle, aiguille |
48 | Dash | rush | भागना | shirk, run off, scoot |
49 | Flanks | sides | दिशा | direction, quarter |
50 | Inroads | attack | आक्रमण | raid, paroxysm, penetration |
51 | Vigorously | energetically | ज़ोरों के साथ | vigorously |
52 | Tackled | faced | घेरने की कोशिश की | launch, begin, turn-to |
53 | Consented | agreed | सहमति दे दी है | allow, sanction, approve |
54 | Petted | fondled | दूलारना | stroke, caress, pat |
55 | Pit | ditch | गड्ढा | delve, chamfer, hollow |
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