Word Meaning, Summary, Important Questions Of Chapter 2 Wind | Class 9

Hindi Meaning Of Difficult Words Chapter 2 : Poem – Wind

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Short Summary Of Chapter 2 Third Level
In English

In this poem, the poct highlights the destructive as well as the constructive aspects of the wind. He says that the wind teases and makes fun of the weak persons or things. Wind symbolises the difficulties that one faces in one’s life. Difficulties frighten us if we are weak. When we are brave, difficulties do not harm us and disappear quietly The poet advises the wind to blow slowly and do not create chaos but since the wind does not listen to the poet. he advises us to be strong. We should build strong houses and strong windows We should be strong in body and mind. If we become strong, the wind will be our friend.


This is a poem by Subramania Bharati who is a pioneer of modern Tamil poetry. His fiery songs kindled patriotism and nationalism during the Indian Independence movement. In this poem, Bharati has advised us to be strong in mind. and body. The wind will be our friend when we are strong Actually, the wind represents the difficulties and challenges We should face them boldly. We should face the challenges with grit, courage and determination.


The poem talks about the destructive and constructive aspects of the wind. When the strong wind blows, it can cause a lot of destruction. But only the weak things, in its path gets destroyed. The wind is used as a metaphor to describe the problems we face in life. So the title is justified.


The poem inspires us to face the challenges and hardships with courage, grit and firm determination. The wind destroys the weak things in its path. When troubles come in life the weak people are affected more. If the structures in the path of the wind are weak, then wind will destroy them. This shows that when troubles come in life the weak are more affected. So the poet asks the readers to became strong so that they can solve their problems.


If we are strong, then we can overcome our troubles. So we should make ourselves strong. This is the central message of the poem. When the wind blows, it causes destruction only to the weak things that lie in its path. If the structures along the path are strong, then the wind cannot blow them away. The wind is a symbol of problem and obstacles which are to be dealt without fear. If we are strong, the wind will be our friend. We must be friends with the wind and obstacles to cope with hard situations.


This poem is a translation from the original Tamil version and does not follow a rhyme scheme.


  1. Metaphor

Example: • The whole poem is a metaphor as it ends on a note to humanity to stand against all ravages natural or man made.

  1. Repetition

Example: • The word crumbling has been repeated. 

  • Crumbling doors, crumbling windows and crumbling lives.
  1. Personification

Wind has been personified and has been addressed as a destructive force of weak things.

Example: • “His friend is good”, “He won’t do what you tell him”.

  1. Alliteration

Example: • Strong fires roar and flourish (repetition of F sound)


Softly- slowly, 

Scatter- spread, move in different directions,

Shelf- bookshelf, 

Tear- separate by pulling,  

Clever- having sharp mind, 

Poke- push, 

Weakling- weak. 

Frail- weak, 

Crumble- break 

Rafter- log of wood used in roof, 

Winnow- to blow chaff, 

Crush- destroy, 

Firmly- strongly, 

Firm- make strong, 

Steadfast- unmoved, 

Blow- move, 

Roar- loud sound, 

Flourish- to develop.


Read the extracts and answer the following questions:

  1. Wind, come softly. 

Don’t break the shutters of the windows.

Don’t scatter the papers. 

Don’t throw down the books on the shelf.

There, look what you did – you threw them all down.

You tore the pages of the books You brought rain again.


(i) What can the wind do? 

(ii) What did the wind tear?

(iii) How does the poet ask the wind to come?

(iv) What did the wind bring again?


(i) The wind can break the shutters of the windows scatter the papers, and throw down the books on the shelf.

(ii) The wind tore the pages of the books. 

(iii) The poet asks the wind to come softly.

(iv) The wind brought rain again.

  1. You’re very clever at poking fun at weaklings. 

Frail crumbling houses, crumbling doors, crumbling rafters,

crumbling wood, crumbling bodies, crumbling lives,

crumbling hearts

the wind god winnows and crushes them all. 


(i) Who is very clever?

(ii) What does the wind God do?

(iii) At whom does the wind poke fun?

(iv) Mention some things that crumble when the wind blows.


(i) The wind is very clever.

(ii) The wind God winnows and crushes all material possessions.

(iii) The wind pokes fun at weaklings. 

(iv) Houses, doors, wood, bodies, hearts, etc.

  1. He won’t do what you tell him 

So, come, let’s build strong homes,

Let’s joint the doors firmly.

Practise to firm the body. 

Make the heart steadfast. 

Do this, and the wind will be friends with us.


(i) What does the poet ask people to do? 

(ii) What will happen after doing that?

(iii) Who will not listen to our words?

(iv) How should we make our hearts?


(i) The poet asks people to build strong houses, keep robust doors and keep firm hearts. 

(ii) After doing that the wind will become our friend. 

(iii) The wind will not listen to what we say. 

(iv) We should make our hearts steadfast.

  1. The wind blows out weak fires.

He makes strong fires roar and flourish.

His friendship is good. 

We praise him every day.


(i) What does it do with strong fires? 

(ii) Why does the poet say that his friendship is good?

(iii) What does the wind blow out?

(iv) Who do we praise everyday?


(i) It makes the strong fire roar and flourish. 

(ii) The poet says so because its friendship gives us strength. 

(iii) The wind blows out weak fires.

(iv) We praise the wind everyday.


Answer the following questions: 

  1. What are the things the wind does in the first stanza?

Ans. The wind breaks the shutters of the window seatters the papers and throws down the books c the shelf. It also tears the pages of the books and brings rain.

  1. Have you seen anybody winnow grain at home or in a paddy field? What is the word in your language for winnowing? What do people use for winnowing? (Give the words in your language, if you know i them.)

Ans. Yes, I have seen ladies winnow grain in my village. People winnow grains to remove straws, chaff and dust found in grains there. It is called “Barsana. 

  1. What does the poet say the wind god winnows? 

Ans. The wind God winnows all the things available at home Crumbling doors, crumbling rafters, crumbling wood, crumbling bodies, crumbling lives, crumbling hearts The wind God windows and crushes all the things. 

  1. What should we do to make friends with the wind?

Ans. The poet suggests that we should build strong houses and fix the doors firmly to make friends with the wind. Moreover, we should be strong enough to face the difficulties in life.

  1. What do the last four lines of the poem mean to you? 

Ans. The last four lines convey the message that those who are not determined and lack confidence face defeat. And those who set their targets and make sincere efforts are not disturbed by any obstacle.

  1. How does the poet speak to the wind-in anger or with humour? You must also have seen or heard of the wind “crumbling lives”. What is your response to this? Is it like the poet’s?

Ans. The poet speaks to the wind with humour. I opine. that the poet’s behaviour is pertinent and I have also seen the wind devastating the property mercilessly. The poet invites the wind to attack him and intends to prepare himself for the attack.

  1. Who are disturbed by the wind?

Ans. The wind disturbs only those people who are not determined. The self confident people overcome the obstacles put before them by the wind. The wind i does not have the knack to disturb the peace of mind of such people. The wind blows out weak fires and makes strong fires roar and flourish.

  1. What does the wind do with the books? 

Ans. The wind tears the pages off and throws them down from the book shelf. The potent (powerful) wind scatters the books and sheets of paper on the floor. It disturbs everything.

  1. How does the wind become the cause of rain?

Ans. The wind sometimes becomes violent and appears to be a storm. It brings clouds with from distant lands. There is no need to say that clouds bring rain. It is a universal truth and scientific fact that clouds bring rain from the blue sky.

  1. Why should the earthly people build strong houses? 

Ans. They should build strong houses so that they may not be damaged by the wind. They should be strong enough to endure violent winds and become a challenge to the potent wind.


Answer the following questions:

  1. Why does the poet suggest the people that they have to be strong? Write your answer in the context of the poem, “Wind”.

Ans. According to the poet, the wind is very powerful. It has power to break the shutters of the windows, scatter the papers and throw the books down the shelf. When it blows violently, it brings the clouds. mocks at the weak and destroys their homes. The weak persons really helpless before the wind.

But the poet is quite hopeful. He thinks that when the people build strong houses, they can challenge the wind. Actually the poet suggests the people that they should be strong at heart because the weak persons can not face the challenges of life. Only the people with strong hearts have the courage to face the challenges of life.

  1. How can you say that the poet of the poem ‘Wind” is a great lover of mankind?

Ans. The poet wants to make people strong at hearts. His desire is that they should be bold enough to face the challenges of life. When we have strong houses, we can protect ourselves from the angry wind. In the same manner, when we are strong at heart we can face the challenges of life. Only the weak persons are defeated by the problems of life. Similarly the poet wants that people should face the challenges of life and make their life. happy. His thought shows that he is really a great humanist. His heart is filled with compassion for mankind. 

  1. What moral lesson do you get from the poem Wind’? 

Ans. The poem Wind’ is full of moral lessons. The pocti has poured out his heart in the present poem. He says that people must be strong at heart because only the weak at heart are troubled by difficulties Here wind symbolises difficulties which has power to devastate life on the earth. But if the people are strong at heart, they face the challenges thrown out by difficulties. They struggle and at last, come with flying colours. 

  1. How can you say that friendship with the strong good? 

Ans. When we have friendship with the strong, wel several new things. We learn that we may become strong when we fight with difficulties. The people say that if we are strong, the wind may be out fred Because the wind likes to be friend of the strong So, if we desire to have the strong to be our friend we have to show courage ourselves. This is the ma reason that the poet talks about the steadfast be in the poem.


  1. Why should we firm the body and make the heart steadfast?
  2. Mention some methods to make friends with the wind.
  3. Mention some reasons why we praise the wind everyday.
  4. “The wind is a friend of the strong.” Analyse this statement with the help of the poem Wind”.

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