The Pronoun English Grammar For Class 6

The Pronoun
Pronouns are words that are substitute of nouns. They function exactly as nouns. Just like nouns, pronouns can be object, subject, object complement, subject complement, noun phrases etc. Pronouns are used in almost every sentence of our daily life and it has made our speech much more meaningful and easy. Some commonly used nouns that we speak everyday are – he, she, them, they, it, that, we, you, I, myself, these, this, those, which, who, him, her, me, us, that, whom. Supposedly, if we say, ‘Sara is here’ and if we begin the next sentences with Sara, every time we talk about her, it will be too monotonous. Here comes a pronoun. After the first instance, ‘she’ is used to denote her. This makes the sentences much more meaningful.