Subject-Verb Agreement English Grammar For Class 6

Subject-Verb Agreement
Subjects and verbs must AGREE with one another in number (singular or plural). Thus, if a subject is singular, its verb must also be singular; if a subject is plural, the verb should also be plural. This helps in the proper balancing of the grammar. Also, in terms of the indefinite pronouns like anyone, everyone, someone, they always require the singular verb. Subject-verb agreement plays a very important role in the formation of the right sentences. The basic rules hence should be taken into consideration and sentences should be formed with the actual subject-verb agreement.

The Verb English Grammar For Class 6

The Verb
Verbs are words that express action and tells about a person or a thing doing any activity or sometimes, its state. Verb is considered to be the most important part of the speech. The fact that a sentence can be grammatically correct with only one verb in it speaks a lot. There are mainly three forms of verbs – transitive verbs, intransitive verbs and linking verbs. Verbs can also be auxiliary, strong or weak. Some transitive verbs have two objects – direct and indirect. Direct object denotes the name of something or someone while an indirect object denotes the person to/of something is done.

Determiners English Grammar For Class 6

Determiners have often been mistaken with adjectives. Let’s clear this confusion and study what is a determiner and how is it different from adjectives. Determiners do not tell anything about things or persons, only helps in pointing them out. Adjectives are used to describe whereas determines are used to determine. Determiners contain several classes of words like articles (a, an, the) possessive adjectives (his, their, my) and numerals (first, third, two, seven). Determiners can also be of quantity and number like some, many, any, much. Therefore, all determiners are adjectives but not all adjectives are determiners.

The Adjective English Grammar For Class 6

The Adjective
Students are often confused with adjectives. Here, we will answer what is an adjective. An adjective is a word used to describe the quality or extent of nouns or pronouns. They can be placed before or after the noun. There are 8 kinds of adjectives – quality (tells us about the quality), quantity (tells us about the amount), numeral (indicates the number), distributive (one at a time), demonstrative (referring to), interrogative (questioning nouns), possessive (indicating ownership) and proper (proper nouns as adjective). Examples are black cat, Indian boy, her book, very beautiful etc.

The Pronoun English Grammar For Class 6

The Pronoun
Pronouns are words that are substitute of nouns. They function exactly as nouns. Just like nouns, pronouns can be object, subject, object complement, subject complement, noun phrases etc. Pronouns are used in almost every sentence of our daily life and it has made our speech much more meaningful and easy. Some commonly used nouns that we speak everyday are – he, she, them, they, it, that, we, you, I, myself, these, this, those, which, who, him, her, me, us, that, whom. Supposedly, if we say, ‘Sara is here’ and if we begin the next sentences with Sara, every time we talk about her, it will be too monotonous. Here comes a pronoun. After the first instance, ‘she’ is used to denote her. This makes the sentences much more meaningful.